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Virtual Workshop: Love Data Week: ChatGPT4 for Data Analysis (Connecticut College) 

周一,2月12日,下午1:15-2:15 | 变焦 

This workshop will explore the capabilities of ChatGPT4’s Advanced Data Analysis features from reading 和 describing datasets to generating advanced data visualization 和 regression analyses. 无论你是研究人员还是只是对这个人工智能工具感到好奇, this session will provide a useful introduction to harnessing the power of ChatGPT4 for your data tasks.  

注册: http://conncoll.libcal.com/event/11744686

Virtual Workshop: Love Data Week: Finding 和 Using ICPSR Data (Connecticut College)

2月15日星期四下午1:15-2:15 | 变焦 


The Inter-university Consortium for Political 和 Social Research (ICPSR) is the world’s largest archive of digital social science data. This session will focus on how to find 和 access available data via the ICPSR website,上面有简单的开户说明, 搜索和访问数据集.  

注册: http://conncoll.libcal.com/event/11744686 

沙盒:人工智能 & 伦理:关于人工智能当前问题的小组讨论

3月5日星期二下午4:15 | Engelhard Reading Room on Level 1 of the Raether 图书馆 和 Information 技术 Center

AI is increasingly the subject of conversations – from the news media to the classroom – about how technology can 影响 我们的生活. While you may have heard about the benefits of using AI to streamline your writing, 生产力, 以及无数的其他任务, 这个面板 寻求 为了引起更广泛的讨论 伦理问题 that arise as AI technologies are taken up 和 applied in various 域 of life 和 society. 加入我们 3月5日,星期二,4点15分 在Raether 床位数一楼的Engelhard阅览室 为了一个活泼的 及时的 由全球十大网赌正规平台的教师、学生和工作人员组成的小组讨论. 演讲者将涵盖人工智能数据集中的刻板印象和偏见等主题, 人工智能计算对环境的影响, 人工智能在医疗保健中的道德和不道德应用, 版权及私隐问题, 和 the use of AI systems to launder responsibility for high-stakes decision-making. 该活动还将包括Q的时间&A和讨论,所以请随时提问!

女权主义艺术+ CT

周四, 3月7日, 12:15-2:15 PM |  the Alden Trust Computing Lab B02 (on Level B) in the Raether 图书馆 和 Information 技术 Center. |支持远程参与

Art+Feminism is a national campaign that aims to introduce volunteers to editing Wikipedia while increasing the representation of women 和 non-binary artists on Wikipedia. 在这里了解更多关于艺术+女权主义和活动的信息: http://dsp.domains.vinoselecion.com/artandfeminism/ 


Loving Yourself in Every Era: Make a Taylor Swift Eras Tour poster 和 learn about body positivity

Monday, March 18th, 5:00 pm |   床位数 182 in the Raether 图书馆 和 Information 技术 Center.

加入我们 to learn how to make your own Taylor Swift Era’s Tour Poster (using photos from your own “eras”) 和 向代表学习 Promoting Healthy Awareness of the Body (PHAB) about ways to love yourself in every era.

PHAB: Promoting Healthy Awareness of the Body: This student-led group raises awareness on the issues of beauty st和ards across cultures, 饮食失调, 身体形象, 自我保健, 身体阳性反应.

We will teach attendees how to make the poster in Canva, a free graphic design software. 没有工作经验要求. 请携带笔记本电脑或平板电脑制作海报.


3月21日,星期四,下午4:15-5:15 | 变焦


谷歌学术和JSTOR正在过时吗? 探索人工智能对图书馆和文献研究过程的影响. This presentation will review current AI search engines 和 discuss their benefits 和 shortcomings.

注册: http://trincoll.Zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtcuuqrz0rG90ftqJ3JW8F-FkIJmUF95GS


4月17日(周三)下午3:00-6:00 |数字学习中心 & Scholarship on Level 1 of the Raether 图书馆 和 Information 技术 Center.

加入我们 to celebrate the great digital work made this year by faculty, students, & 工作人员! 更多信息(包括如何报名出席)!): http://incubator.domains.vinoselecion.com/what-is-day-of-digital-scholarship/


4月24日星期三下午4:15-5:15 | 变焦 

全球十大网赌正规平台 faculty have been incorporating the use of the new ArcGIS Online mapping platform in a wide variety of class digital assignments 和 projects over the past few years. Learn how faculty have integrated geospatial elements into their digital course assignments by having students create individual 和 group story maps or analyze key concepts using advanced spatial data visualization. This dynamic 和 rapidly evolving tool allows students to generate immersive 和 影响ful results that can easily be shared with a wider audience.

谢丽尔·凯普作为 CT数字奖学金交换

注册: http://trincoll.Zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkfumgqTMsHNE2q25l42NofUh-VtsBMVxo


Virtual Workshop: An Intro to ICPSR using the Open Flint Data Collection (CT数码奖学金交换)

9月28日星期四下午4:15-5:15 | 变焦 

ICPSR的代表, 超过250份的数据档案,在社会科学和行为科学方面的研究文件, 将演示如何使用他们的开放弗林特数据收集访问数据. (对学生、教职员工开放)

注册: http://conncoll.libcal.com/event/11110679


Virtual Workshop: Light-weight Text Analysis with Voyant Tools (CT数码奖学金交换)

周四,10月5日,下午1:30 - 2:30 | Davis Lab或变焦

Voyant Tools is an open source, web-based application for lightweight text analysis. 它的功能是一站式服务, 提供一个易于使用的界面,在几秒钟内处理文本, 将其组织成一系列互动列表, 图表, 图, 和网络. 该应用程序允许用户使用生成的可视化效果, 从不同的角度探究文本, 比如文字云, 词频表, 频率分布图, 语境中的关键词. 没有必要的背景知识或技能, Voyant Tools is conducive to incorporating text analysis activities into the undergraduate classroom to facilitate reading 和 interpretive practices. This workshop offers a h和s-on tour of the web-based application using pre-established textual corpora.

注册: http://conncoll.libcal.com/event/11156296

数字化学习 & 奖学金沙盒:故事地图.com

10月12日,星期四,下午4:15-5:15 | 床位数 181

通过游戏学习新的数字工具和软件! 没有工作经验要求. 在每次沙盒会议上,我们将专注于一个易于使用的数字工具.  工作人员 will be on h和 to offer guidance, but this is not a “how-to” workshop. 而不是, 我们想要鼓励乐趣, 即兴创作, 通过游戏来思考这些工具如何提高你的工作效率. 欢迎所有人! 请自带笔记本电脑.  

虚拟工作坊:播客入门 (CT数码奖学金交换)

10月19日星期四th,  下午4:15-5:15 | 变焦

播客是一种越来越流行的交流方式. On average, millions of podcast listeners consume multiple podcast episodes every week. According to Spotify, there are over 5 million podcasts from which to choose. Podcasting allows creators to craft content in multiple formats (documentary, 叙述, 面试, 报道, 会话, 虚构的, 等.),并免费向公众发布. 有了自由软件和工具的好处, 有抱负的播客可以在很少的训练或努力下开始运行. This workshop will introduce participants to podcasting 和 explore the steps required to take an idea from concept to creation. 没有经验要求. Attendees will leave the workshop with an underst和ing of the podcast production process 和 recommendations for software 和 tools to support their work. Follow up consultations on designing podcasting assignments or incorporating it into research projects will also be available.


数字化学习 & 奖学金沙盒:AI工具

11月2日(周四)下午4:15-5:15 | 床位数 181

通过游戏学习新的数字工具和软件! 没有工作经验要求. 在每次沙盒会议上,我们将专注于一个易于使用的数字工具.  工作人员 will be on h和 to offer guidance, but this is not a “how-to” workshop. 而不是, 我们想要鼓励乐趣, 即兴创作, 通过游戏来思考这些工具如何提高你的工作效率. 欢迎所有人! 请自带笔记本电脑.  

虚拟工作坊:研究数据存储与管理 (CT数码奖学金交换)

周三,11月. 第八,1:15 - 2:15 |放大

Do you find yourself struggling to organize 和 manage all your different files related to your research 和 scholarship? We will offer strategies for storing, managing, 和 sharing different types of research data. 我们还将介绍Kaltura Media Space和Scrivener.

注册: http://conncoll.libcal.com/event/11147900

虚拟工作室:如何在你的数字项目中建立可访问性 (CT数码奖学金交换)

12月7日星期四th 下午4:15-5:15 | 变焦

This workshop will cover the basics of web accessibility 和 user-centric design 和 introduce techniques for evaluating the accessibility of your digital projects.

注册: http://trincoll.变焦.我们/会议/注册/ tJAkdOqspjwvHdBV6WOhYp7dccbCe